Jeremy is a musician and Bridget is an artist. Jeremy likes motorbikes, Bridget doesn't really care much for them. Jeremy and Bridget got married, Bridget said "Let's go to Alice Springs on a motorbike for our honeymoon." Jeremy said "ALRIGHT!"

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jeremy: Trucks to Port Macdonnell

We're all rugged up here for the night, and glad we managed to get the tent set up and the bike under a tarp before the rain started. I think i'm going to have to give the front of the bike another clean tomorrow morning, the insect guts coverage is substantial.
Getting used to the feeling of 100kph for an extended period of time isn't as easy as I thought, what with the very large logging trucks blowing you about like a paper plane (i've started arranging us on the road with a little more room which seems to help) and the constant splatter and pop of insects impacting the visor on your helmet (as well as you shins, your hands, the crooks of you arm etc...) It's an interesting place to be. It makes all the little stops you make for a break seem that much more restful and interesting. We stopped to see a huge windfarm today, very interesting! It was a lovely day today weather wise too, the stop at nelson was particularly sunny and scenic with lots of lovely birds for bridget to draw and lovely water for paddling in.
The bike seems to be handling the whole thing very well, although a little more range would be good. We very nearly ran out again today before we got to portland although i kept it to myself (it wasn't even as close as yesterday so no need to worry bridget with it). I think 2 people and all our stuff for camping seems to be taking it's toll on the fuel consumption a bit. it's good to have made it to south australia at least, it seems like a good milestone.
Port MacDonnell seems like a nice quiet wee spot, with lovely beaches.
So, tomorrow to kingstone? or all the way to adelaide? Of maybe we'll just wait here until the weather gets a little better? I think the best part of this decision is that it doesn't matter! Yay for holidays!

1 comment:

Bridget Farmer said...

I like how both of our ideas of where we're possibly going tomorrow differs so much. We do talk to each other, honest!