Jeremy is a musician and Bridget is an artist. Jeremy likes motorbikes, Bridget doesn't really care much for them. Jeremy and Bridget got married, Bridget said "Let's go to Alice Springs on a motorbike for our honeymoon." Jeremy said "ALRIGHT!"

Monday, October 31, 2011

For Mrs Nesbit

Finally washing on the line dried. And the pleasure of putting on jeans fresh out of the tumble drier!

Ps. This is a later addition, I took the photo of the washing basket this morning, then went to an art gallery at about midday and saw this painting of a washing basket! Of course now the photos are in the wrong order though.


mrsnesbitt said...

Oh what can I say! Truly honoured - infact it's wasday here in Nesbiutt land so as I peg the washing out I will "transmit" good vibes over to you both! Whenever I peg out our washing I always think of a school clerk I once worked alongside who INSISTED it was only correct to peg washing out with co-ordinated coloured pegs! Way hey I say - I never do, but can't help think of her everytime.
Onwards dear peoples of the open road!

roz said...

that must have been my mother
like coloured undies
only with like coloured undies
and matching pegs